Can Dead Rock Become Live Again
ReefKeeping Mag staff
- #8
you should clean upwards the dead stuff inside that rock earlier proceeding to reseed it with new life
+1. There is likely plenty of organic cloth and other harmful stuff on it from the die off. I'd definitely get with the bleach bathroom and acid bath and so mix it in with some freshly cured live stone. Adding a commercial bacterial supplement might speed things upwards but a month or more for cycling the tank would likewise be a prudent step, in my opinion.
ReefKeeping Magazine staff
- #11
Depends on the aquarium. In my case I have rock in service for over 8 years and it even so looks skilful and seems to perform denitrification as well as always. If it clogs with detritus and/ or is exposed to high PO4 levels for example information technology might need recuring later on a catamenia of time.
- #12
Not sure why you guys are preaching all this chemical warfare when just putting the rock in fresh h2o will accomplish the same affair with a lot less toxicity.
Also, since the bacteria the accept care of the nitrogen cycle are the same in fresh and salt, a fresh water soak will at to the lowest degree stabilize it in terms of biological capacity. The merely thing that volition be left are good bacteria. Plus, if the water is circulating, the die off volition be faster than drying information technology out.
Surprised nobody has told him to use gasoline and a match nonetheless.
ReefKeeping Mag staff
- #xiii
What toxicity?
Bleach and acid? Both are easily neutralized via a rinse,dechlorinator and drying. Freshwater will non remove the organics and whatsoever toxins they they may have released.nor any PPO4 or other stuff sticking to the surface similar copper or other metals.
Your certainly entitled to your opinion just there really is no need to exist insulting specially when your opinion is overly simplistic.
- #14
retrieve though that acrid will eat away at the rock likewise , so dont soak it too long, mentioned in a higher place he says the acrid is toxic, but the acid coming into contact with the calcium will nuetralize it...... the stone will not leach acid later an acid bath......
- #xvi
1000.I.Due south.S.
I'm all for the simplicity of a f/w soak. Not sure about the fresh/table salt tolerance of the nitrosomona/nitrobacter/other nitrifying bacteria, merely even if you practice kill the bacteria, it will come up back rapidly. The most important ones are deeper in the stone - the bacteria that pause down nitrates in to nitrogen gas - and accept much longer to repopulate just volition probably not exist afflicted by the f/west since it takes a while to leach all the way in. The surface dwellers which convert ammonia to nitrate repopulate very apace.
- #17
nitrosoma and nitrobacter live in common salt and freshwater, its proven, fw volition non kill either, its used in both common salt and freshwater bacteria products and is breed in freshwater een if bottled as marine. The fw soak is an like shooting fish in a barrel thing to practise, simply, volition a fw soak impale off everything thats unwanted? Likewise a fw soak will non remove massive amounts of dead textile, so when yous try to cycle the tank yous will have massive amounts of bacteria blooms trying to come with the decomposable material, i would get the acid batch method if i were to start with dead live rock. A freshwater soak will only kill pests and not get rid of decaying matter like acid will. Also with the fw soak from it not removing the decaying matter yous volition accept a massive spike of ammonia/nitrites/nitrates and it will soak into the rock, and then it will leach for a long time and extend your initial bicycle greatly. People that wheel live rock know what im talking nearly, the more the dead matter the longer the cycle. If you have time then past all means to the fw bath, only if you dont pismire to await 2,3 months or more do the acid bath.
- #18
I'm all for the simplicity of a f/w soak. Not sure nearly the fresh/salt tolerance of the nitrosomona/nitrobacter/other nitrifying bacteria, but fifty-fifty if you do kill the leaner, information technology will come back apace. The most important ones are deeper in the rock - the bacteria that pause downwards nitrates in to nitrogen gas - and take much longer to repopulate but will probably not exist affected by the f/due west since information technology takes a while to leach all the way in. The surface dwellers which convert ammonia to nitrate repopulate very quickly.
the bacteria that convert nitrite to nitrate DO NOT populate quickly, these are the bacteria that accept many weeks to populate a tank to the point of converting it to 0ppm, ammonia to nitrite happens rather quickly, nitrates to nitrogen gas wont happen for many months after the rock is established
steps to brand live again without using stuff from dirty tanks
1-muratic bathroom
two-fresh saltwater batch and rinse
iii-identify in tank with new sand
4-dose ammonia in the tank and hold at 5ppm
5-dose a bacteria prduct like bio spira, mb7 etc....
this is the bones fishless bike and will make your rock live again, the terminal few steps tin can exist institute on any fishless cycle mail service
ReefKeeping Mag staff
- #xix
If the rock alive it tin be cured in saltwater. At that place is no point to using freshwater. While some bacteria may adjust to varying specific gravity over time invertebrates which may be present in/on the rock tin can't since they are isontonic.They volition die and disuse in freshwater.
To cleanse spoiled or dead rock the bleach breakdowns organics via oxidation. The acid removes some surface area and anything stuck to it similar phosphate and metals only will not breakdown organic material.
For description simple and simplistic accept distinctly different meanings; look em upward. But rude and derisive is just rude and cheeky.
- #20
If the rock live it tin exist cured in saltwater. There is no bespeak to using freshwater. While some leaner may adjust to varying specific gravity over time invertebrates which may be present in/on the rock tin can't since they are isontonic.They will dice and decay in freshwater.
To cleanse spoiled or expressionless rock the bleach breakdowns organics via oxidation. The acid removes some surface area and anything stuck to it similar phosphate and metals simply will not breakdown organic material.For clarification simple and simplistic have distinctly unlike meanings; expect em up. But rude and derisive is merely rude and derisive.
i promise i wasnt existence rude i was just trying to help, sorry if i was
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